Month: February 2013

Daddy’s Home

I get it.  I finally get it.  Daddy's Home

My husband has been gone for the past three days, and tonight he is finally home.  Between the full-time job, the 6-year old boy, and the new puppy, I’ve been “single mommying” it for a couple of days here.

I know, nothing to complain about, and I’m certainly no storybook heroine.  But I have to admit, a single day without my husband gives me the greatest appreciation for single moms.  It also gives me a new, no renewed appreciation for my husbee.  As he said on our first date (and I quote), “I’m all right.”

He is.

And strangely enough, everything seems all right now that he’s home.  The crazy, separation anxiety dog, the overly energetic boy who misses his dad, his buddy, his pal, and the slightly over-confident rocker chick who thinks she doesn’t need a man, really, until she wants a man, are all sitting peacefully now, just hanging.  No TV.  No music.  Not even much by way of conversation.  Just contentedness because everything is right and everyone is where they’re supposed to be in our uncomplicated little world.

Oh, and by the way, babe, I want you to be home.

Writing and New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New YearAh yes, New Year’s Resolutions.  I don’t always make them mostly due to the fact that I don’t think about it until Dec. 31st, if I’m lucky, as early as Dec. 30th.  With so little thought behind it, I’m hardly committed to following through…

…Although, there was that record year where I vowed to pull a quote from my all-time favorite movie, When Harry Met Sally on a daily basis.  I actually stuck with it for at least a good month, ok, maybe a fanatical two months.  Just ask my team at work.  Some of them have never seen the movie in fact, and claim that thanks to me, they don’t feel the need to.  I’m still not sure if that’s a compliment or a cut.  Hmmmm??

In any case, the fact that I stuck with it as long as I did is a tribute to the amazing writing of the late Nora Ephron.  There are just so many moments in the movie that stand out and stand alone.  They proved to be so real, so strangely applicable to every day life as my colleagues who were privy to my resolution came to realize.  To be that kind of writer – EPIC!

So, while we’re on the topic of writing and NY Resolutions, I thought I’d share mine (yes, I actually made one) for 2013:  I am taking on the challenge of writing a new song each month.

I know, you’re saying, “BIG WHOOP.  You’re a songwriter, aren’t you?  Isn’t that just like breathing?”

Why, yes, I am, and in a way, it is.  But you know how it is—working mom and wife, trying to keep up with Kindergarten homework, regular meals, and the occasional Jazzercise class.  Just never seems to be enough time.  Sometimes you forget to do something so basic and essential as breathing.  Same for songwriting these days.

But I’m good with a goal, and even better when I have a purpose.  This resolution is pretty exciting to me, and I’m all for making it happen.  And just to go all out crazy, I’m tying it into another more-than-just-a-hobby-would-be-career-choice.  I’m inviting my inspiration for these songs to come from the books I read, which are most definitely romance novels.  Hey, I’m in love with love.  Besides, I’ve written enough bitter, jealous, “you broke my heart and stole my Bible” songs to last me a lifetime.

Stay tuned!  More to come…

So, what’s your New Year’s Resolution?  Think, think, think.

Romance, Maps, and Stemmed Glassware?

While by night I am a songwriter, entertainer, and romance writer, by day, I work for a map company.  We’re always geeking-out on strange and wonderful maps.  This one, named “Vaguely Rude Place Names of the World” came across my desk today.

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s pret-ty entertaining, and strangely applicable to my passion for the fun and often times cheeky world of romance writers (and readers).  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the secret world of romance, I’ve got to say it’s like Girls’ Night on steroids…or more appropriately, on lots of dark chocolate, booze in stemmed glassware, and a killer pair of heels.  What’s not to love about that for a rocker chick like me???

Ok, have fun with the map!